Prescriptive Analytics

A decision engine for faster, more efficient vegan protein growth

Client: The Plant Era

The Challenge


A Common Data Language
Marketing across four primary channels on multiple continents leaves no shortage in potential customers. But under the hood, the sales and customer data from Shopify, Google, Facebook, and Amazon are not naturally compatible.

To properly strategize, decision makers need to understand customers, markets, and how customers and markets are changing over time. This can only begin by combining clean, complete, and contextualized data.


Metrics of Success
The Plant Era's dynamic marketplace requires stubborn focus on metrics defining the success of current business objectives. It requires a deep understanding of how current customer acquisition costs, returning customer rates, subscription lifetime values tie into the company's bottom line.

Without the ability to sort results on customer type, international markets, and channels, analyzed and compared over time, there's no holistic view of what's already happened. And there's no infrastructure on which to build predictions and strategies for the future.

Our Solution
A powerful decision engine gives The Plant Era a bird's eye view of its current business environment and the ability to zoom in to know what works where and when.

Data Organization

Understand then clean then integrate messy data from multiple platforms across multiple countries, languages, and currencies.

Descriptive Dashboards

Feed now-organized data into descriptive, intuitive dashboards focused on quick end-user insights and minimalist, pragmatic aesthetics.

Strategic Predictions

Find significance in trends to give The Plant Era team confidence in building strategy around micro and macro business predictions.
Nicholas Orsini
Founder, The Plant Era
"Odd Job helped me focus on my customers with new clarity. The new tools and strategy guidance drove 32% growth in year-over-year revenue despite consumer budget tightening."
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